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You're right, I missed Square-Enix and Ubisoft!

I wasn't counting hardware producers given that GungHo don't have their own format and the insinuation was any software company would require 5m+ sellers to be relevant.

"but they success isn´t rooted in many long established 5Million+ selling franchises..."

The fact that so few publishers do have established successful 5m+ franchises to rely on shows how off point that particular part is.

Capcom haven't had a 5 million seller this generation other than the 2008 PSP Monster Hunter Freedom Unite (2008), Konami have only had MGS4 (2007), So they're not franchises they can continually rely on and a long time ago in gaming standards. I suppose there's also Bethesda but their sales are predominantly Elder Scrolls related, one could say they are all now "one trick ponies" as far as breaking 5m sales :p

RIP Dad 25/11/51 - 13/12/13. You will be missed but never forgotten.