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Ail said:
I think the more interesting news is that the PS3 is starting to move 175k Units or so WW per week with no big title out ( this is going to be the second week such a thing happens).

The weekly worldwide gap is slowly moving from 10k/week at the beginning of the year to 50k a week...
If this keeps going by this summer it will be up to 75k or more/week...

I totally agree.  Although the 360 is far from dead at this moment in time, it's momentum has slowed down.  Not only are we seeing the PS3 outselling the 360 in Japan, which it has been doing since day one really, but the PS3 has overtaken the 360 in sales in Europe (not total sales yet though) and it is now selling more per week in NA as well.  It looks like it will be a 50-60k gap in total weekly sales this week alone and it looks like it will stay this way until some of the big games appear.

I truely wonder what will happen when GTAIV will sell well in NA, but will it make people buy a 360?  I doubt it, in Europe it will sell better on the PS3 and it may very well make people upgrade from their PS2's to the PS3 then.

And then when MGS4 hits in June, this will start shifting units in Japan as well as elsewhere.

It can only go up from here for the PS3 and unfortunately for the 360, that means their sales will go down.

Prediction (June 12th 2017)

Permanent pricedrop for both PS4 Slim and PS4 Pro in October.

PS4 Slim $249 (October 2017)

PS4 Pro $349 (October 2017)