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Execution...just in terms of NO GAMES.

Conceptually the Wii U offers developers a lot of different options and thus has the potential to offer gamers lots of different kinds of games and experiences. I REFUSE to say the concept is bad because I don't know if I've EVER had more fun with ANY video game than when playing Mario Chase with 5 people. The execution problem there is that the individual games in Nintendo Land aren't nearly as good as the multiplayer ones, and also that Mario Chase and Animal Crossing: Sweet Day (two of the BEST multiplayer minigames EVER in my opinion) don't offer enough courses or variety. Beyond that, the Wii U offers plenty...traditional HD gaming, two-screen gaming, touch screen gaming, asymmetric multiplayer, regular 5-person multiplayer, backwards compatibility, Nintendo's best online network, Nintendo's best online store, Miiverse, and more.

So again, I say execution...mostly just the lack of games until August, and then also that some of the games that ARE already available don't offer as much as they could.

Seriously though, I fully expect a decent turnaround and a solid holiday season for Wii U when there are basically two first-party games coming per month from August through December. And even if that doesn't work, Mario Kart 8 and Super Smash Bros. will get the Wii U afloat. Just accept it now though, people...Wii U will NEVER repeat the success of the Wii. But that DOESN'T mean it's a failure. Gamecube sold "poorly" and yet Nintendo still made money off it and released some great games for it. Ultimately I'm a fan of Nintendo because they release wonderful, polished games that I love....NOT because the Wii sold 100 million in its lifespan. Stop worrying so much about the console itself and its sales and pay attention to the actual games. They start coming VERY SOON. :D

Upcoming Games To Get

Definite: Kirby Star Allies (Switch), Mario Tennis Aces (Switch), Fire Emblem (Switch), Yoshi (Switch), Pokemon (Switch), Kingdom Hearts 3 (PS4), Monster Hunter World (PS4)

Considering: Fe (Switch), Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze (Switch), The World Ends With You (Switch), Ys VIII (Switch), Street Fighter V: Arcade Edition (PS4), Kingdom Hearts 2.8 Remix (PS4), The Last Guardian (PS4), Shadow of the Colossus HD (PS4), Anthem (PS4), Shenmue 3 (PS4), WiLD (PS4)