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Xxain said:
What's missing from this pipe dream is the "Why" 1. Nintendo approaches SEGA for joint ownership of Atllus - Why? If Nintendo see's value in Atlus to increase company profits and library why are they sharing and what basis does SEGA even have to be in this? 2. Nintendo pays more half the Atlus bill then says its 50/50 SEGA would promise a raft of exclusives - Why would SEGA not offer to pay equal halfs to have equal control of both Atlus and their own IP's. In your pipe dream, why SEGA so willing to bend over?

Nintendo buys Atlus just secure a release on their system but not only on their system? There is no basis behind any of this. It's interesting..I guess

1. Because Nintendo has reason to strengthen their relationship with SEGA. As I said, instead of getting one publisher's loyalty, they effectively get two, for the same price.

2. Because Sega's not exactly flush with cash. Sega probably couldn't afford to buy half of Atlus. Nintendo could probably afford to buy Atlus 10 times over. Nintendo has the money. What it effectively amounts to is a publishing deal between Nintendo and Sega - but instead of Nintendo giving a large amount of money to Sega, they're giving a large number of shares in Atlus.

As for "secure a release on their system but not only on their system", you forget that Nintendo would half-own the publisher. So half of the games, probably more (since Nintendo has more disposable income than Sega), would be Nintendo-exclusives. And because Sega would be closer to Nintendo after the deal, a lot of Sega's ones would be for Nintendo platforms anyway. Like I said, the idea for Nintendo is that it would effectively get two for the price of one.