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Aielyn said:
Xxain said:
Aielyn said:
What Nintendo should do is approach Sega, and arrange a joint purchase of Atlus.

Nintendo would pay most of the purchase price, with the deal that ownership would be 50/50, while Sega would promise a raft of exclusives (from their own franchises, not Atlus ones) for Nintendo platforms as their part of the deal.

Atlus would be permitted to publish some games through Sega for non-Nintendo platforms, but it would be expected that most such games would also get Nintendo-platform versions. Meanwhile, Nintendo strengthens their partnership with Sega, while Sega gets a boost to their company value.

Nintendo has the money to do it, and would get double the value - they'd get the value of having Atlus on board, and they'd get Sega's ongoing support. Two birds for the price of one.

Why the hell would of any of these 3 publishers want to be roped into a complicated agreement like that!? That serves no one

It certainly wouldn't be the first time that a "complicated agreement" occurred, and it most certainly serves a purpose. Rather than Nintendo buying just one publisher, Atlus, they would be using the same money to effectively buy two. While they wouldn't actually own Sega, their relationship would be made much stronger, and you can bet that there would be far fewer exclusives for non-Nintendo systems, far more exclusives for Nintendo systems, and never a multiplatform game that skips a Nintendo platform, from Sega.

As I said, Sega's benefit would be the increase in company value - since Nintendo wouldn't actually have bought part of Sega, they would remain independent, and would now own half of another publisher. Access to their IP would be another benefit, of course.

Atlus has the benefit of continuing to exist, of course.

What's missing from this pipe dream is the "Why" 1. Nintendo approaches SEGA for joint ownership of Atllus - Why? If Nintendo see's value in Atlus to increase company profits and library why are they sharing and what basis does SEGA even have to be in this? 2. Nintendo pays more half the Atlus bill then says its 50/50 SEGA would promise a raft of exclusives - Why would SEGA not offer to pay equal halfs to have equal control of both Atlus and their own IP's. In your pipe dream, why SEGA so willing to bend over?

Nintendo buys Atlus just secure a release on their system but not only on their system? What is the trigger that lead to all this happening? It's interesting..I guess