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sharky said:

Well, even if you are right, there was a HELL of a lot more evidence PS3 really WAS finished.


PS3 sold 69,000 one month I believe! It sold 80,000 many times!


That's a hell of a far cry from the 230,000 360 just sold! yet this whole month since NPD across the whole internet there has been a tremendous amount of doom and gloom about 360. All because of one single month, where 360 barely lost by just 39k units, and was supposedly supply constrained as well!

Is that in any way fair based on the facts? OF COURSE NOT. 

the reason why many are claiming that this is the begining of the end of the 360 is because the ps3 has started outselling it ww and has outsold it in NA for two weeks or so running.   

no its not. i havent ever stated that the 360 is dead. if you ask me, its actually doing fine, its just that the ps3 is doing a bit better.