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I like how it's over for 360 after it loses one NPD month, barely.

But the PS3 lost 14 NPD months in a row before that, often posting sales so incredibly low they've never been seen in console history before, and nobody said it was finished.

If 360 was finished then it would be finshed and there would be no need to keep repeating that it's finished, hoping it comes true. Since I keep seeing so many post that 360 is dead, we know it isn't dead, otherwise people wouldn't have to keep trying to convince us.

Even if 360 starts losing regularly to PS3 in NPD, who cares? Why would it be the end of the world, when PS3 sold amounts so low 360 could never dream of them for many months (80,000 and less).

360 is ahead of Xbox 1 in profitability and hugely in sales, that's MS only measuring stick, really. It can continue that even if it loses to PS3 each month. After all, Xbox 1 beat PS2 maybe two months in history, 360 has beaten PS3 14 months so far.

And you're foolish if you believe MS wouldn't stimulate 360 sales with a price cut, even a drastic one, as needed. If you really believe MS would just sit on the sidelines.

We need to see what 360 sells once it gets back in stock to even establish a baseline. Then we'll know more info.

This type of post borders on trolling though and is sad coming from a mod. I'm sure back in the day when PS3 was selling 60,000 a month, far less than 360 will ever sell, a post such as this, without any argument contained but simply one sentence would have been locked.

And dont forget the facts, PS3 is 5.8 million behind in the USA, they'll need to win by 200k per month for twenty nine months just to catch up, and even worldwide shipments, PS3 wsont catch 360 anytime in 2008. West only (excluding the isolated Japan marker) PS3 faces an even greater uphill climb, the small Europe market include.