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LiquorandGunFun said:
no republican has been elected in Detroit since 1970. the last republican mayor was Lewis Miriani elected in 1957. this is the democrats utopia of uncontested power.
This city used to be the richest in America in 1960 with the highest per capita income.
The head of the school board in Detroit could NOT read. His name is Otis Mathis.
If the people didn't notice the corruption of the single party rule then they are getting what they deserve.

Diversity had nothing to do with it crumbling look at the morons who ran it for years, the mayor who smoked crack, killpatrick I think his name was. this city had it coming for a long time. they need to get it together the hard way now and clean that shit up from he top down.


He can read, but he doesn't have good grammer