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gooch_destroyer said:
theprof00 said:

yep. I bought at launch though, and my bff bought his when p4 came out. We both got special editions.

Also I bought my DS for trauma center, and then my next game was smt.

Yeah, I think Nintendo shouldn't buy Atlus. P4G did well on the Vita so P5 would do just as well, right?

Well, tbh I'm not sure Nintendo cares enough about Atlus to buy them. Best thing for them I would think is to have them stay as a third party and just continue working with them. I don't think they're so desperate to want games like catherine or persona on nintendo console, and I don't think they care to buy them just for the sake of denying sony exclusives either.

For sony, having a new console out soon, plus a handheld in need of games, it seems like a much better fit, but I could see it being taken over by namdai, capcom, or konami.