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I really think the 360 needs a price cut BADLY. The PS3 has a stellar lineup this year and no matter what MS says, I don't think the 360 lineup even compares. The worst selling Gran Turismo game ever, sold better than the best selling Halo game ever. We saw what Halo did to the 360s sales last fall, its going to be even bigger for the PS3 I think. Plus, the PS3 has that MGS bundle as well as a very competitive entry price. and then they got a bunch of other titles that are system sellers, there is nothing on the scale for the 360 in the coming year that is at the level of FF, MGS, or GT, those three games right there are going to greatly improve already terrific numbers over the 360. 360 is in trouble unless the price is dropped now. GTA doesn't matter. MS is going to say, we got exclusive content for GTA, and Sony is going to say, Rockstar is PS3 exclusive for pretty much the rest of this generation, PS3 is what you want.