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Gamegears said:
VGKing said:
People aren't stupid. They are able to tell the difference between "3DS" and "DS" or "Wii U" and "Wii".

The Wii and Wii U cases aren't pretty different. Moreso than than of 3DS and Ds.

Say what now?? And I don't think your taking into consideration that there are parents who would be potential customers because of their kids.. that still in this day and age.. despite.. the months and years.. do not seem to understand there is a huge differance.. just because you know they are different does not mean everyone does.. and that makes a huge impact in the end.. we are gamers.. we are informed.. but some of the people who would buy these systems are not... and retailers.. nor Nintendo (I am not blaming the retailers entirely here) Are not helping... places like Amazon has to help.. or the people need to take the perogitive (I think that's the word..) Or initiative to learn.. but some don't// the other day.. I was generally embarrased when I read a forum where a parent thought if they sawed off the end of a 3DS game.. thinking if it just fit the DS his kid owned it would work.. (Personally I think the person has some issues.. but hey) the point is.. yes there is a general confusion.. and it takes a bit for people to get over it... sometimes.. because their kids ask for games.. say on the Wii U... and they get it.. not realizing the Wii U is not a simple tablet...controller or whatever.. and thinking it's going to work on the Wii.. and there is very little to nothing that some retailers are doing to prevent this... then they wonder why the sales stink.. (But like I said.. it's also Nintendo's fault..) 

People may have been confused at first, they're not anymore. Nintendo has done a great job with the ads. 3DS and Wii U are new sytems. Everyone knows that. A lot of people just don't care.