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But I did! A true legitimate dodge, not just avoiding it by dropping back into second before it locks on. So this is what happened. As you'd expect, I was nearing the finish line on the last lap of the race. A combination of feeling confident that I had the race won while I was dodging thwomps (was at SNES Rainbow Road) and strategically placing my triple bananas caused me to not bother looking at peoples items. Big mistake, as I suddenly saw the blue shell appear above me on the top screen. Uber surprised I was when I saw it, and so a rush of panic took over, causing me to use my Mushroom I had saved without thinking. Normally that'd be a dumb move as it'd be better to use the shroom after recovering from the Blue Shell, however, somehow, I got through it unscathed. I kid you not! The Blue Shell fell and made an explosion as normal, but did not stop me at all as I continued through the finish line. I bet my opponents were calling hax lol.

In all my years of Mario Kart action, I've never ever been able to avoid the blue shell post lock on, as once it has you in it's sights, you're pretty much dead one way or the other, but not today! Today I made major history in my video game career! They will tell stories of this moment, generation to generation! A monument will be made in my glorious achievement's honour! Today will become the first universal holiday, "Dodged a Blue Shell Day!" They will ask of me to give a speach, and I will tell them I have a dream, a dream where anyone, regardless of race, gender, size, intelligence, and so ons, will be able to dodge blue shells! Today, the world has just become a much better place to live in!


Alright enough of that nonsense. The main question here is just how did it happen? Perhaps I didn't really dodge it and the lag was playing a trick on me, or perhaps it was just a glitch. What I think though, is that it was the mushroom I used. The sudden speed increase must have thrown off the blue shell. You know how a bomb you're holding behind you wont hurt you if it explodes as long as you're going a decent speed? Well I think a similar thing happened here. Instead of exploding right where I was, sudden speed boost caused it to explode right behind me, like where a bomb would be. Just my theory though, what do you all think? Also has anyone else ever dodged a blue shell?