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DMeisterJ said:
Bingoo said:
DMeisterJ said:
I lol'd at all of the XBOX 360 Fanboys.

Now that they're console most likely will not be even in second place this generation how sloppy they're getting. Just twelve months ago, they were the market leader. Now they're not. Twlve months ago, they were outselling the PS3 on a weekly basis worldwide. now they're not. Twelve months ago, they were outselling the PS3 on a weekly basis in North America. now they're not. So all that they can say is that "PS3 is ONLY outselling us by 10-50k/week". It's so funny what a difference a year makes. Now it's okay to be outsold, as long as it's not more than fifty thousand units... LOL!

I'm not saying that MS is done, but for it to have lost for three weeks now in it's strongest region, it needs to send shockwaves through them.

Week ending February 24: 2007

XBOX 360:66,848

Week ending February 23, 2008
XBOX 360:87,569

The PS3 sales have tripled, and the 360 sales have went up by about forty percent. The XBOX 360 was outselling the PS3 2.2:1, now the PS3 is outselling the XBOX 360 by ~1.05:1

So a console that was being outsold by double is now outselling it's competition. I don't think that their is anything to say on this. It's just truth.

And this is why ps3 fanboys piss everyone off.

Next time 360 outsells ps3 im going to create a million threads going OMG PS3 IS DEAD SOMG.

You understand that price drops....formats dieing...etc all will boost game sales right?

Once it does it for twelve or thirteen weeks, then yeah, go ahead!  LOL!

You want to know how many months of the year last year 360 outsold ps3 LOL =)

I love how the tables have turned, and you're banking on price drops to sell the system... How the mighty have fallen.

ROFL..Ever single person in here remembers the ps3 fanboys crys of how we should just wait till all the uber games were coming out for ps3 and it would save it. Guess what did? Price drops.

Well I have news for you, the gap is only getting bigger between the two.  At first, PS3 was only outselling 360 by five to ten thousand per week, and now it's doing ~50k weekly.  And this has happened over the course of twelve weeks.  At this rate, by summer, it could be outselling 360 by 100k weekly, and by fall, it could be outselling 360 by 150k weekly.  I don't think that that'll happen, but I do believe that before Summer ends, the PS3 will be outselling the 360 routinely (as it already is) by about 100-120k.  And I have every expectation that theh PS3 will have outsold the XBOX 360 by the end of the year. 

You go off the suggestion that MS will just sit back and twiddle their thumbs and nothing in the world is going to change.  You understand that during the begining of fall and all these times you are talking about both ps3 and 360 were lucky to get much more then 100k, but now you figure that ps3 will pretty much more then double it sales and 360 will remain the same? Use your head before you post.


Owner of all consoles cept DS.....Currently in love with prototype!