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Seikseruza said:

Well with that logic games should be no less than 120 frames a second. Play a game on a 60hz monitor and then play the same game with a 120hz monitor (making sure that the game runs at 120+ frames). You will never want to go back to a 60 frame capped game again.

I'm a PC gamer so dips in frame rates are to be expected. Most dips in frame rate I notice (I need a Titan :P), with that said the disturbance in gameplay is much worse when you have a dip in frame rate than when you have a game running stable at 30-45-60-120 frames a second.

I agree but 120fps on consoles is out of question lol

And TVs inputs are 60hrz even if the console output is 120hz the TV will shrink that...

PS. When I say input it is the cable input signal in 99% of TVs is 60hz... the display can be 120hz, 240hz, 600hz (like in some LCDs) but the TV just duplicated the frames to reach these levels because the input is 60hz. Monitor on PC have better inputs.