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ghettoglamour said:

Of course I see it. I am also focusing my attention on a single cube, not on a wide screen with a lot of stuff happening, while trying to play the best I can. I still don't notice it while gaming though. It must go beyond 25 or something so that it becomes annoying (that is called lag, of course).

It is not about what you see on the screen... it is about feeling and timing... you can't make the perfect turn in GT5 or the combos in a battle in SFIV in 30fps.

I can't explain better... when you playing the GT Academy demo each millesecond matter to get the top spot in the world (or even your region)... the same for SFIV tournaments if you can't do the combo right then you lost.

CoD have a hell o benefice because it is 60fps... it is more enjoyable and you can fast play difference of others FPS that seems to play like in slow motion (Killzone says hi)... I like both but CoD experience is way better than Killzone (can you look at players saying the Killzone have slow controller response? It is not only the controller response.. it is about the feeling you have when playing a 30fps compared with a 60fps).