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ethomaz said:
arcane_chaos said:
can someone explain to me the benefit of 60fps versus 30fps?(or any between them) does it help with resolution? overall graphics?

I mean I certainly can't tell the difference between the two....have I missed out on the available "bullet time" feature that was given out to the public :p

Play any Call of Duty game and after play Battlefield 3... play Call of Duty game again... you will see the difference and why the devs are aiming 60fps on Battlefield 4 this time even if the resolution is dropped to 720p in next-gen consoles.

And you will fell the difference... it is the better way to make you felt the difference than try to explain

Doesn't matter what the frame rate is at if your latency to the server you are connecting to is higher than everyone else's. First world Hawaii and Alaska problems.