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NeoRatt said:
Username2324 said:
NeoRatt said:
How can it be over for 360?

Between Jan 5, 2007 and Feb 16, 2007 it sold 681,614 units
Between Jan 4, 2008 and Feb 15, 2008 it sold 749,062 units

Net increase of 67,948 units...

How can a year over year increase in sales by almost 10% be game over?

Is 360 doing bad, or is PS3 doing good and 360 is still doing good?

 Jan 6, 2007 through Feb 17, 2007 PS3 sold 571,942
 Jan 5, 2008 through Feb 16, 2008 PS3 sold 1,341,859

PS3 had the greater increase, and higher overall.

Like I said PS3 is doing good.  It took a $200 price cut, 4 SKUs, some excellent titles at Christmas (R&C, CoD4, UT III, Drake), the promise of MGS4, FF XIII, Resistance 2, LBP, GT5, continued Home Vaporware showings, a blu-ray win, but they are now doing good.

What more can they do in the immediate term?  I don't think much. 

Meanwhile 360 has stayed steady, and is over delivering over expectations for this year.  For the past few months these forums have been filled with "Sony Domination in 2008" and 360 has nothing...  If Sony domination is outselling the 360 between 10K-50K consoles each week, I think most 360 owners will say who cares? 

Especially, when Gears of War 2, Banjo Kazooie 3, Too Human, Left 4 Dead, Ninja Gaiden II, GTA IV delivers the first of two episodic editions, and Halo Wars brings RTS games onto consoles for good this year.  Yes, Sony will have GT5 (maybe this year), MGS4, KZ2 (maybe this year), Haze, Tekken 6 (maybe this year), Resistance 2, LBP (Looks very creative and innovative), and of course FF XIII, among others.  The point, is, Microsoft will deliver just as good an experience even with Sony, taking out all the big guns this year  (But, all this is just recycled releases from what was supposed to ship last year outside of Resistance 2).

wasnt the price cut just $100 on 2 skus? it doesnt make sence to add em together. 

and what can ms do in the immediate term? not much either...oh wait, they can screw all x360 arcade owners with gtiv dlc. tough luck to those who bought an arcade and want the dlc. looks like your cost saving was short lived as you have to go out and buy a hd for your 360. wait, they've already been screwing the arcade owners coz a lot of 360 games needs a hd. way to go microsoft!