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DMeisterJ said:
This isn't the first or second time it's happened. It's the third time, in the past four weeks.

This is the same crap that people were spewing when PS3 first outsold 360 WW. "It's only happened a few times," etc., and now we're on like week number thirteen or fourteen (in a row) that it's outsold the XBOX 360. And yes, the gap is still 6.88 million away. But considering how little it was outselling the 360 by a few weeks ago (as little as five to ten thousand) to now, oustelling it by 40-50k per week, the gap is only closing, and they're outselling it by more and more.

People just need to understand it, the PlayStation 3 will continue to outsell the XBOX 360 worldwide, and in America, at least for a time to come. I would go on record to say that save for a few weeks this year, the PlayStation 3 WILL beat the XBOX 360 in every territory for the next ten months. I think that there will be a small battle in America, but for the PS3 to have even gotten close and surpassed them, compared to what they were doing last year (This week is a 200% increase from last year), Microsoft could be worried. Last year, the PS3 was selling nowhere near the XBOX 360 and now it's passing it in it's strongest market? People can use the excuse that it's only happened three times, but the sooner the truth is accepted, the better. As you see, no one is still going around saying that the PS3 won't outsell the XBOX 360 WW anymore, because it's been taken as law. By the end of April/May, it will be a given that the PlayStation 3 will outsell the XBOX 360 in each and every market until the end of oblivion.

Looks like I may get my 25% before this year is over!

Outsell the 360 in America with the release of GTA 4 and price drop. Im sorry but i highly doubt it. Actually im stating no way.

Owner of all consoles cept DS.....Currently in love with prototype!