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"There is a hell of a lot going on," he told OPM. "Increased visual fidelity does cost, there's no argument about it. The PlayStation 4 is very capable of doing both but we've gone for a fully dynamic environment, so you can go any time of day, anywhere on the planet, and it'll calculate the atmospheric density, whether you're up the top of a mountain or at sea level."

"So while we are aiming for sixty, there is always the chance that we'll never quite reach there."

"If I had my way, I'd rather have more stuff going on at a prettier level and a lower frame rate, but that's where the arguments start,"

"The coders would rather have a higher frame rate, and put less stuff in. So it comes down to Col [Rodgers, game director]'s decision in the long run. Personally I'm quite happy with a 30 frames a second game, as long as it's rock solid at thirty, and being an art director I want it to look beautiful."