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Nyleveia said:
How many more games are going to be claimed 'the one that will save the wiiu' only to not meet expectations then be excused as 'well you cant expect a single game to fix things' thats nintendos entire problem, withoit third part titles to prop up the quiet periods, even if nintendo fans dont want to admit it, nintendo doesnt have the time or the franchise base to pull off single handedly satiating an entire hd platform.

until theres a aaa game per month youll simply see a small spike in unit sales with each release and back to little after that, when the xbox one and ps4 launch that spike is going to get smaller and smaller too

i have pikmin 3, i was one of those 100k ish that bougt it, and its about the first time my wiiu got switched on in months.

only to be switched off again an hour later

Let me just make this clear...  All the titles like Pikmin, W101, etc will help Wii U sales but aren't true system sellers.  SM3D World can be considered a system seller.  If that game bombs then Nintendo might have a slight problem.  However, MK and Smash are the true system sellers.  Those games are released next year.  You act like people believed games like Lego and Pikmin would see huge increases in sales.  Almost no Nintendo fan believed that sales would skyrocket with these titles.  If MK and Smash bomb then you have a point.  Right now you are just spewing nonsense stating Nintendo fans are acting like Vita fans saying this game will save the system...  I remember when Sony fans stated Uncharted and CoD would save the Vita.  However, I don't remember any Nintendo fan saying Pikmin, W101, Lego, etc would save the Wii U.  Only the big guns like Smash and MK can save the Wii U.


I call bullshit on the bold.  So you live in Japan huh?  And you bought Pikmin 3 right to switch it off a hour later?  I smell bullshit.