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The new Halo's, no offense to anyone who likes them, are shit. I don't understand how it sells at all. You can see the decline of the series starting after Halo 3.

Halo: Combat Evolved- Great story, innovative gameplay.

Halo 2- Had great online multiplayer and single handily saved a console.

Halo 3- Introduced Forge, improved the multiplayer.

Halo 3:ODST- Introduced firefight, other than that it was lackluster and forgettable.

Halo Wars- Bland strategy game

Halo Reach: Boring and tedious multiplayer, pretty bland story, gameplay is the same, barely any innovations.

Halo 4- Multiplayer too similar to Call of Duty, Story is forgettable, gameplay is the same, barely any innovations.

In my eyes, Halo is already dying. It'll just take time for people to realize, but when it does, MS is going to be in huge trouble. Forza is already dying itself, if it's two big exclusives go, the Xbox One will pretty much just be a multiplat machine.