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Strong sales and healthy future: Yes, I can see it, a nice profit for Nintendo, a good collection of games and maybe 40-50 million lifetime sales.

No, I don´t think it will happen, when the current gen starts to lose support, the WiiU will fell the pressure of more and more amazing titles that everyone wants but the system cannot have.

So, I still think the WiiU will have a respectable and solid third place, but with profit and corporate health for Nintendo, and, the best of all: good games for the fans.

Also, the WiiU is competing, again, with nothing on Japan right now, it is the only next gen console on the market, so, it better sell more than the PS3.

My reasons to doubt the Nintendo Domination are: GTA 5, huge game, I will buy, and other 15 million people will buy it, not on WiiU, this alone is a bad sign. Remember this: the PS3 WAS NOT in such a good shape when GTA 4 came out, and still it got a very nice port of the game.

GTA is the gamers game, the real deal juggernaut of the industry, Call of Duty is for the casual, for angry kids with ADD and adults with not much time to play. It is cool and it sells, but the real deal is GTA. Even the DS had one.

I really think Nintendo should be agressive about getting games like this, offer 5 or 6 million to the developer, help in the port, do something, but do not lose these really important titles.

My grammar errors are justified by the fact that I am a brazilian living in Brazil. I am also very stupid.