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endimion said:
mibuokami said:
endimion said:

so wait some people are actually arguing that they would rather have a buggy game beta for 60 bucks with no required patch so they can play offline even though they more than likely have a perfectly working connection.... than have a game that has a mandatory day one patch that corrects already those bugs and add more value to the game....

Am I reading that correctly.....

I'd take a Forza 5 with mandatory day one patch over any buggy GT game with non mandatory patch....

Holly jeebus the gaming community is revealing the worst they have in them lately, a bunch of cry babies for nothing, with excuses for everything.... it looks like a bunch a pre teen having their first PMS.... and I'm not talking about PS vs XB only..... it's just a big shame to be part of the community lately.... hopefully a lot of those naysayer will actually die out soon... it is just tarnishing our image, and making that hobby really hard to enjoy in a public setting.... I miss those days when console war was more about teasing, than trying to twist everything into a big negatives out of almost nothing....

I'd rather they not ship the product until its actually a complete game; this isn't a bug fix patch, this is a missing content being put into the game by a developer that has been forced to push a game out the door before it's complete.

this launch window you don't push launch titles.... I'd rather have that ofcourse and I'm sure they do to and would have in any other time frame.... but for a launch title it's not happening.... so i'd rather have that way than a half assed game without patch....

I have a hypothesis: this game was always meant to be worked on right up until the release of the Xbox One. Turn 10 is a MS owned developer and was probably informed right from the get go that the next Xbox would be always online - this would have allowed them to seamlessly intergrate the content patching process into the game as their would be a guarantee that every Xbox One would be connected.

Given the tight schedule of a launch game, they  probably planned right from the beginning to use the additional time from when product goes gold right up until the release of the Xbox One to continue to work on the game. The reversal of policy from MS more than likely threw a spanner into their work and this is their attempt to fix it rather than cut 3 months out of development time.

I REALLY REALLY hope the above scenario is the case and this is just a one off launch problem that lives on as a legacy of Microsoft's PR fuckup. Because it would be a sad day for gamers AND developers if something like this becomes the industry norm.