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theprof00 said:
Angelus said:
So let me get this straight.......

The majority of people in this thread, if they had a choice between

1) Having a game pushed back to get in all the content/features the developer had planned


2) Having the game come out as planned, and getting all that content day one with the simple condition of a day one patch to enable the game to work

You would pick option 1?
Because what.....after dropping 560 bucks on the console and the game you no longer have money left to pay for internet? No way for you to download a quick patch? Man....I think you people got bigger problems.

Seriously. When did an internet connection become this mythical beast? When did downloading a patch for the game to work become an unacceptable inconvenience?

When I bought MGS4, I had to wait about 40 minutes for a system update, and a mandatory install before I could play the game. If I hadn't had a connection for that system update, I would have been screwed there too. And since PS3 updates take ages, that was actually much more of an ordeal. You guys are complaining about a patch?! I mean for god's sake....

Nobody is picking on MS because of their decision to please gamers by having a game out for launch.
People are criticizing MS because it's just another case of being out of touch.

For example, you cannot import an xbox one in a country that isn't authorized. Why? What is the big deal? You buy a thing, and it doesn't work. What kind of industry does that kind of business? Everyone here would obviously be able to download a patch. And everyone here obviously DOES patch. And while the xbox fans here are right that a lot of this is just MS criticism, it doesn't mean they aren't right. There has been a lot of "fine print" for this xbox one launch. This is just another example.

wait where did you get you can't play the XB1 outside of released in countries ???? since you can play offline after patch I don't see how they could do that!!! they have GPS chips in the XB1 ????

what you won't be able is use XBL services I believe.... but that's because they want to guarantee QoS (Quality of Service) in every market they are in.... they will expand as they deploy more infrastructure in those countries.... this make perfect sens looking at how much care they are putting in XBL and the surrounding infrastructure....
it sucks for some but the point here is to provide the same quality accross all market....

then again you can easily go arround that.... just get a VPN and you are set