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Max King of the Wild said:
enditall727 said:

It matters because of weight and him being fit 


I'm not sure if he ever followed somebody and had them run. He also said that these punks always get away so he sounded like he was ready to become robocop. Again, grabbing somebody wont rip the clothes or scratch/bruse them unless the individual tries. I dont think he tried to. I just believe he attempted to grab and hold Trayvon.


Ohhh okay so i'm guessing you didn't read the comments and discussions in the other thread since you seem to be asking about things we already discussed.


I'm going to try to link a video for you. Ill edit it in when i find it

 Like i said before, i dont think Zimmerman is a devil and i dont think Trayvon was an angel but i do believe the Zimmerman tried to grab and hold Trayvon until the police got there and i didn't know that Jeantel heard Zimmerman say "what are you talking about". according to Zimmerman, Trayvon hopped out of some bushes on him and said "whats your problem" then Zimmerman replied "there is no problem" and then Trayvon attacked him when Zimmerman started looking for something when he reached into his pockets. did Jeantel say that that was the only thing she heard him say or..?


also, if Trayvon hid in some "bushes" to get ready to viciously attack Zimmerman, dont you think he would have told Jeantel that he would call her later and get off the phone before this big ass young adult jumped out from that little ass trimmed "bush" that Zimmerman couldnt see his big 6'2 ass behind?

I don't know why you keep focusing on Jeantels testimony.

Her story of events don't match up to any of the other evidence and she admitted to lying to police and trayvons mother about irrelevant facts... If she lied about simple things what else did she lie about? In addition to the admitted lies she also testified that her story changed because she didn't think those bits of information was relevant...  Okay, so you are the last person who talked to a person who was shot and you don't think details are relevant? On top of all that she never even seemed interested in being there. If your friend was murdered and you had information that would put his assailant behind bars wouldn't you want to? I don't buy her story for a second. In my opinion one of two things happened with her. Either she has no idea what happened because she didn't hear anything. OR (and I think this is more likely) she knows more than she is saying BUT she is leaving details out that might paint trayvon in a worse position OR over exagerating the story (like everybody does when they are telling their story) but past the point of it being reasonable.... or maybe she is even doing both. But I am 100% confident in saying as EVERYONE should agree there was definatly something off in her testimony and to take it at face value is very naive (for lack of a better word).

I feel that if she is leaving out information to help trayvons case it just makes what she is saying suspicious. However, if she were to include those things she thinks makes him look bad that more people would be less suspicious of her testimony and more understanding of what happened that night if Zimmerman were the aggressor

Even if she kenw the facts I doubt she be able to get them across well.

Thisvideo speaks for itself: