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Zimmerman is definitely guilty of manslaughter. The self-defense argument is absolute speculation because Zimmerman was told to not follow Travyon and he did anyway, Travyon however once he had the feeling that Zimmerman was following him should have ran home. I don't know who threw the first blow and there is no proof that Travyon did or vise versa however if you follow someone with a gun (you are already engaging in an altercation) in my state that's just as good as engaging the any kind of conflict and Self-Defense goes out the window, Once you disobey a Cop's order thats proven negligence which is the basis of Manslaughter.

They both made bad decisions however, Trayvon beat up a guy with a gun when he should have ran home, he was close enough. ZImmerman should have obeyed the cops and not have followed him and he shouldn't have followed him with a Gun (he did not have it wear he said he did because if that true then how he described Travyon was beating him would have made it impossible for him to have gotten it out in the first place).

The law was served but justice was not, this just proves that a man can get away with murdering a child and being black myself however this doesn't surprise me, but the black community is making a big deal about it because of race when Black teens kill each other everyday in fact 2,000 have been murdered since Travyon's death. The way you fix it is stop killing each other and get the bastards who do stuff like this, fight back.