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kowenicki said:
bananaking21 said:
kowenicki said:

an unannounced exclusive doesnt exist.

even announced ones sometimes dont exist.

really? so your logic is if there is something you dont know about it does not exist? very logical 

Saying we have 20 exclusives coming in the first year but not showing them is questionable at best. 

Not even the title? not even a concept art?


your logic is whats bogus, nothing else. 

so sony comfirming they have 20 tittles but decided not to show all of them is questionable? no, its called logic, they dont need to blow their load early and show everything they got. Microsoft did because of the bad press they were receiving and it didnt work. showing a concept art? tittle? yeah, that worked out amazing for black tusk, look at all the people talking about it their game. 

and let me get this clear, announcing a number of games to be coming out on a console without showing them is questionable at best? you didnt seem to think that when MS announced the number of games back at the reveal and before E3 when you thought they would have more games than sony.


when MS says it, we KNOW it. when sony says it, its questionable.
