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no it won't cause MS is ultimately not competing against Sony and not necessarily for the gamers crowd either.... they just want to make sure they have a foot in the living room business before apple or google controls that market.... they just need a profitable device in that particular room.... they couldn't care less if they lose some hardcore gamer that are not willing to have anything else than a pure breed gaming rig...

did you guys just realize that????, the only people that support truly Xbox are gamers that want to enjoy more than just marginally graphically augmented games year after year.... but people that want something more than just gaming..... or not even that much gaming at all...

it is just becoming clear that MS Sony and Nintendo are taking 3 very different approaches and some people will not follow them in that direction.... and they know it....

the real target here is former gamers in their 30's with not that much time on their hand but still big media consumers with young kids around 3 to 6 years old.... the one with cash.... why do you think out of all the franchises they could have chosen to revive they took KI ????