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J_Allard said:
DarthVolod said:

According to Wikipedia:

List of Xbox 360 games = 959 games (multiplatform: 757; exclusive: 123; console exclusive: 79) on this list as of June 6, 2013.

List of PS3 games = 772 games (multiplatform: 621; exclusive: 143; console exclusive: 8) as of January 14, 2013.

Wow, so that is over 200 360 games you cannot play on PS3 versus over 150 on PS3 you can't play on 360. And even if you take out "console exclusive", the difference is 20 games. A ton of which (most definitely more than 20) can be attributed solely to Japan. Yet people talk as if MS is terrible at pumping out games, let alone exclusives. Thanks for this tidbit of into, very eye-opening. I assume it includes XBLA/PSN?

The lists are not perfect, but even if one puts a 20-30 game margin of error on each number you still see a clear difference. The notion that Sony dominates 360 in exclusives is largely a myth. The difference is in composition and not quanity. Far more console exclusives on 360 than PS3. Even in terms of pure exclusives, the difference is only 20 games or so at most (about 5-6 or those are MLB games and at least 10-15 are Japanese games that would never have been ported to 360).

The lists, for the most part, don't count PSN/XBLA games either as far as I can tell (just looked up a bunch of XBLA titles like Shadowcomplex, Stae of Decay, ect. and none are on the 360 list so this is retail only). Japanese exclusive games are counted on these lists (both 360 and PS3).

I don't expect most of the posters on this thread to care though. The original list itself was already distorted beyond reason because of its timeline and its definition of an "exclusive" game.