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that's a load of crap.... if USA falls it's the entire western world that goes to shit.... what you are describing is what every single dominating civilization has been going through since for ever....

the Taliban are not the bad guys and don't fuck the world.... give them half the power of a nation like the US and you will see if you didn't prefer the terrorist state of the US of A....

war has nothing to do with terrorism.... it's like comparing legal prostitution with rape.... same action not exactly same context and both are looked upon badly..... and peace is a fucking utopia.... you want peace you need to eradicate at least 3 billion people for starter, completely eradicate state boundaries, destroy every fiat currency.... and redistribute natural resources equally which is not gonna happen in our life time unless FALLOUT happens....

it's always easy to point fingers at the jock trying to take a stand against what nobody wants to touch with a 10 foot pole but everybody is happy somebody is doing it.... So yeah they fuck up big time, yeah they abused of their power more than once.... but I would trade any gov of countries they have been at war with since the declaration of independence with any NSA controlled US government.... cause it might not be perfect and suck big time at times but it's nothing close to what shit we'd be in if any of those gov they destroyed had gain more power over the world....

PS: and I am not even American btw.....