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I don't count xbox titles that get to the PC at any point as exclusives.
I've got my PC, I can get these games. The PC is just another "console" in that point, though it's out of competition cuz everyone has one.
Real exclusives (xbox only or PS only) is what counts. That's why you can get the most out of the Wii/PC combo ;)


In case you don't have an okay Pc for gaming the xbox isn't even too shabby, but seriously, what exclusives will you miss in most cases? Halo got uninteresting for most after Halo 3, you could replace your Forza with GT. Fable lost kind of its awesomeness since Fable1. For PS its in most cases Naughy Dog that won the exclusive war (Uncharted/Last of us) already.


If you need your xbox exclusives -> get it.