oniyide said:
sales2099 said:
oniyide said: it seems certain people want to leave out PC as a platform and lets be real here it is a platform to make the 360 look better. That is NOT how it works in the real world. multiplat=game released on mulitiple formats. 360/PC multiple formats |
Funny since most people use PC to make PS look better. These multiplats are on Xbox, and Xbox gamers only refer to the Xbox version, not the PC version. Its the PS gamer who uses the PC version to complement PS exclusives.
This isn't even about comparing exclusives, this is about going above that and comparing games on one and not the other, in a true Xbox vs PS comparison.
xbox version? its the same damn game. some xbox gamers want to ignore the PC cause they know it will make the console look less favorabe, but the PC exists so deal with it.
xbox vs ps3? why stop their, what happened to Wii? Wii U? PC? why exclude those? Dont answer i know why.
Because console war lists.