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kupomogli said:
Snesboy said:

Were you going to buy it if it came out on Wii U?

Not at all, just pointing out yet another company Nintendo fans give a pass despite not getting support from.  This is less of a "x game not coming to Wii U thread," more of a "and yet another company Nintendo fans don't shit all over for openly coming out and saying they're not supporting the Wii U."  Just goes to show how much blind rage is out there for certain companies, bashing on companies like EA because everyone else does it. 

To answer some other questions.

Why expect a GotY like edition to be released on a  system that never had the game to begin with?  Because it's the complete edition so far.  If they released Street Fighter 4's vanilla version you coud make an argument about why are they releasing it.  They have the most to gain with this release on the Wii U as you can assume most Nintendo fans who own a Wii U don't own another console and this will be their first experience with Street Fighter 4.

Why not complain that this isn't on the Xbox One and PS4?  Because those two are actually next gen consoles.  It makes no sense in releasing the game on those consoles because those owners probably have a PS360 and would have had a way of already playing it. 

??? the exact same thing could be said Wii u, whoever wants this already has a way of playing it