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Ps3 is more supported by Sony recently than the Xbox 360 by Microsoft, but why the difference seems so enormous on this list?


1) first 3 years of the PS3 were terrible, I remember some friends told me that their ps3 where only collecting dust or used as a Blu-ray player only. Then of course, Sony had to have a an awesome end with the ps3.

2) Many games on that list target mainly japanese customers which devs don't even care to only think of releasing the game for the 360 unless ms paycheck got involved (which ms are not doing since 2008 or so, for japanese support).

3) Xbox 360 has a lot of great console exlusive that are also on PC, but they are not listed here. You can argue whether or not it is of great value for the 360, but in fact, sony and microsoft support their products the same way. Sony have a lot of first party studio dedicated to their gaming products (Playstation), while Microsoft has a lot of studios that are dedicated to their gaming product (windows, xbox).

4) Xbox 360 first 4-5 years were magnificient and I still play alot of game from this time so even if Ms is actualy pushing kinect and I do not own a kinect I still enjoy the console and it's awesome library. (I think this is the main reason why Ms have been able to push Kinect this way while sony was unable with the Move)

5) 4 MLB seriously? and GT5 was supposed to be release years before 2010. So if the purpose of the list were really to show support for MS and Sony on their products after the release of their motion control, GT5 should not be there as well as any other delayed game that was supposed to hit before 2010.

But yeah, ps3 still rocks lately compared to xbox 360 but this list is just too biased to call it a fair comparison between Sony and MS.