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Einsam_Delphin said:
Cobretti2 said:
Einsam_Delphin said:
Cobretti2 said:
3DS doenst need games.

That's a pretty silly thing to say. Without games it'd be selling like the Wii U is now.

you misunderstood, by that I mean it already has plenty of annoucments no need for more at this stage.  

lol, I misunderstood? You clearly said and I quote "3DS doenst need games." That can only mean you're saying the 3DS doesn't need games. This is further shown by your next sentence, "Nintendo need to focus on Wii U or it is doomed," implying that all their game development should go solely to Wii U, meaning the 3DS would get nothing. What you're saying your previous post meant does not match up at all with what you said, nor does it really make any sense, so it's clearly just an attempt to cover up your ill-founded statement. AmIrite!?

Actually my statement makes perfect sense as I am answering the poll question.