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Some Xbox One fans have caused a stir recently after setting up and signing a petition asking for the return of 'the Xbox One we were promised at E3'.

The petition has come about due to the removal of Xbox One features such as Family Sharing, which were tied into controversial DRM policies. Some Xbox One fans want the features returned, hence the petition.

Now PS4 fans are signing the petition as well, in the belief that such a petition will actually help PS4 rather than Xbox One.

"It's so important so that the Xbox one is shittier again," reads one comment.

"To make the PS4 the better console overall," reads another.

Console wars, eh? It's only going to get worse as the launch dates for PS4 and Xbox One nears.

It's worth mentioning that the majority of the signatures are still from Xbox One fans, with the petition standing at almost 18,000 signatures.