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DoubleyewTeaEph said:

So you're the biggest fan of FFXV? Sorry buddy, I watched the first trailer live and followed every (tiny) bit of news since. How far away did you see the rebranding coming? I saw it a continent away, when that first leaked video came out like a year ago now? (even if it is fake, allow me to refute that someone is a genius for being able to take the wind out of the sails of the re-pitch of one of the most anticipated games of recent time) Are you also aware of how shitty The Examiner is in reporting it? Get in line kid.

About turn-based combat, you are dead on in saying that it's the hardware limitations, that an action-RPG is just what the franchise needs right now. Turn based combat is becoming, if it hasn't already, a relic of days gone by. Even Ni No Kuni, which is more of a Final Fantasy game than FF13-anything could ever be, was in real time. So do RPG fans really need a splash screen, a loading time, and stagnant characters on a playing board to enjoy the combat? It's preposterous, but the one thing I do fear about XV is that it may play too similarly to Kingdom Hearts. That's not necessarily a bad thing for me, because I'm a fan of both series and I know I'll enjoy both, but I could just see Reddit now like "THIS GAME, AND THIS GAME.....-some dumb image macro-.....ARE THE SAME GAME," and it'll be super annoying.

Man, i wonder what would happen if me and thinkman were to fight, who loves final fantasy ix more :D

And prepare to be dissapointed, because final fantasy xv will play exactly like kingdomhearts