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zorg1000 said:
oniyide said:
zippy said:
oniyide said:
zippy said:
oniyide said:
zippy said:
100 million install base, weak specs = no third party support.
Higher specs, small install base = no third party support.
Nintendo..damned if you do, damned if you dont.

OT-I will be buying Watch dogs, Arkham and maybe splinter cell for my Wii U. Gotta snap up the good third party games that are here.

wrong, Wii got alot of 3rd party support, ALOT or do you think all those games on the WIi were made by Ninty, WIi had more games than either PS3 or 360

Your right Wii did get a lot of 3rd party support, but what ratio of it was actually decent? A lot of 3rd parties released sub par efforts to cash in on its success, and games like Red Steel 2 and Goldeneye were few and far between.

Many 3rd parties used the "weak hardware" excuse to not bring certain franchises out on Wii, or even build an exclusive from the ground up to suit the hardware. I mean the sales were there, so they could have reaped the rewards. Now Ninty has the tools to create these HD experiences 3rd parties now bang on about low sales of the hardware. Nintendo cant win sometimes

"decent" is in the eye of the beholder, there were a LOT of games on Wii that I would not consider anywhere near decent, but you know what? they sold well, especially considering what they must have cost to make. So yes they did cash in on its sucess and whose fault is that? Would any of us not done the same thing, not their fault all those dancing exercise games do well, they are giving the audience exactly what they want.

What are these franchises that should have come to WIi   cause im sure they would not have been anywhere near their HD counterparts and with that being the case, no one would buy the WIi version. Would an Assassin's Creed fan buy a WIi version of that game knowing its going to be worst than what he/she is used to? nope. Hell you can look at the multiplat games for Wii and see that.

Both GTA and Assasins creed could have had a Wii version. Not a crappy down port, but an exclusive game built from the ground up to suit the hardware. GTA games were good on PS2, so im sure a decent GTA could have been utilized to run on the Wii. My point being, the install base was there, an exclusive Wii GTA or Assassins Creed would both have sold over a million. But 3rd parties didnt want to build such games from the ground up for the Wii, even though the audience was there. Goldeneye was a quality game built from the ground up for Wii, it sold superbly, and got ported to the HD systems. It proves it could be done.

those games would not have sold anywhere near as well as their HD counterparts, that was my point and probably why we never saw a version of those games on the WIi. 

Ur right they wouldnt have sold as well compared to the PS360 version but an exclusive spin-off for Wii could have easily sold a million and made a profit. Look at COD and Resident Evil, they both passed that mark on Wii and im willing to bet GTA or Assassins Creed would have as well.

COD is a much bigger franchise, Resident Evil was a port of port. I say that to say this those games were wasnt expensive to make, GTA and AC are open world games and would have been FAR more expensive to produce, even on the Wii. So i think those are not good comparisons. I hold that if these Rockstar and Ubisoft thought they could make money on those games by being on Wii they would have done so. Especially Ubi. So i side with the companies in this regard.