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DietSoap said:

If we are to assume it's twice as powerful (not my claim personally) with similar architecture, then we could assume that while 30fps with dynamic lighting on PS4 sounds awful (because frankly it is), then we could assume the same game with dynamic lighting running at 15fps on One sounds even worse.

If the developers can't achieve 60fps with dynamic lighting in time for launch, they need to drop it. Period. It's just not worth it, not even close. That doesn't change the fact that dynamic lighting is far, FAR more demanding on hardware than the kind of baked stuff we've been doing since the dawn of 3D consoles.

Pretty much this - that's the reason why Epic dropped SVO global illumination from UE4, at least for now.

Not that I think fully dynamic lighting is not possible on next-gen hardware, it's just might be the wrong genre for showcasing it - since the dawn of 3D graphics, dimly lit corridor games were always the ones showcasing latest and greatest, so I'm gueesing something like that will be first game that truly stuns us.

Hm, when you think of it, both Deep Down and Dark Sorcerer demos fall under that dimly lit corridor type of presentation - and, at least for me, they were, by far, the best looking stuff from anything showcased so far.