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kowenicki said:

missing the point.... again.

the ps4 is "twice as powerful". Why cant it handle dynamic lighting at 60fps?

its a beast... a powerhouse, its TWICE as powerful as the ONE.

I just tried to explain the difference... and 30fps is not confirmed to Drive Club.

For me in photorealism term GT6 is ahead both yet with the better lighting... F5 looks cartoony (plastic visual) and the lighting lol baked... DriveClub have better environments and better lighting.

I'm not trolling Forza 5 this time lol... both game are using different technical approaches... DriveClub a more dinamic and graphical vs Forza 5 performance / physics.

I can't tell which is better without play both... 60fps really matter for racing games... so maybe Forza 5 looks better while playing.

Edit - Forza 5 will have better physics than DriveClub... again different approaches.