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We only got to enjoy like one day of the front page saying Vita > 50k. Boo. Oh well, until the next release!

I don't really have much else to say though really. Wii-U up a bit which is good; PS3 still going strong. I see VGC have decided that TLOU is doing better than AC in the USA for the time being, despite thinking differently for the start of last week.

If those numbers are correct for Project X Zone too, then it's doing much better than I expected. But I'm holding off until NPD to see how it's really done. Same with Muramasa really, I reckon the stock issues have interfered with the tracking here.

I see Jak Collection (PS3) tumbled out of the chart this week too, further adding fuel to the fire that they were just adding the Vita sales to the PS3 version. Le sigh.