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Pokemon Everywhere!


I made a thread about which games would benefit the most from a huge marketing push. I then thought, why doesn't Nintendo Re-Launch Pokemon? Back in 1998, Nintendo decided to give Pokemon a $50 Million advertisement campaign in order to help sell the games because Nintendo felt that the cute nature of Pokemon wouldn't attract the American audience. (Kids specifically) It went on to become the most successful games in gaming history. (Non-bundled) Today, Pokemon remains very popular and is considered one of the biggest gaming IP's ever created. (If not the biggest) 

With that said, sales have dropped quite a bit and while the games sell about 15 Million, it is less than half of the originals sales. I believe Nintendo should do an extensive marketing push similar to that of the 1st generation and attempt to Re-Launch the series. They could attract the newer generation of gamers and try to get the old fans that left back while keeping the current fans. IMO, it could make the difference between 15 - 20 Million and 25 - 30 Million. It would also massively help 3DS sales just like the original did for the GB.

I think it'd be the perfect time to do it as X / Y will be the 1st 3D main Pokemon games ever.

Do you agree?