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unless a major fuck up MS is on track to gaining more speed with just about any business they are in in the near future.... especially if the new vision is actually as efficient IRL than on paper.... cause to be honest there is no company offering anything as complete and wide than MS they have solution for everything and of excellent quality at a decent price.... (talking mostly about business here)

they have the only commercial PC OS that works on almost any hardware with the biggest range of compatible software.... they have one of the most secure phone OS, they have a great office suite of software... they are big players in server and cloud technology, have great CRM and development solution and a growing search solution, the biggest VoIP solution, and they also have a rather complete entertainment offer.... on top they have long lasting strong partnership in every business related to software.... so yeah there isn't another company that can pretend to be as wide spread and relevant in that many business under one company in their sector....