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First and foremost I would do away with the flash memory storage, its fast and all, won't have the problems of an HDD, but people do not know the difference, they see a number and do not care, I would have created a slot for a hard drive, and sold expensive Nintendo branded hard drives because that is what people think they want, while also allowing regular usb hard drives as exists today.

With the flash memory no longer as storage, I would use it to augment system memory, similar to windows ready boost, but since this is internal the memory would be faster.

As for the touch screen tablet, all consoles come with a tablet, but instead of worrying about the Wii U duplicating this and that, and streaming because the Wii U does all the processing I would off the bat provide secondary tablet controllers, however many people wanted, this would be accomplished by having a more expensive tablet as an accessory, this extra tablet controller that people could buy would have processing and graphic capabilities onboard, freeing the Wii U from having to do much extra work, perhaps limiting its only job to keeping timings and syncing correct.

So now the system has a greater well of memory, and processing capability, I would bundle different games with the system, unlike Wii Sports, Nintendo Land can not be a for life of the system bundle, keep changing the game and getting different groups of people in there.

eShop game ownership needs to be account based, so if someone has a second system they can have all digital purchases available on x number of consoles, similarly the same thing should occur with the 3ds.

Price wise the existing deluxe bundle should be $50 cheaper, excluding the digital deluxe promotion (%10 back on every eshop purchase), release more expensive bundles with more games and/or as coming with eshop credit to get people making digital purchases.