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In The Games Department
Pokémon - CoroCoro Reveals

The next batch of CoroCoro information has been released and this batch showcases more information on the upcoming games Pokémon X & Y. We're currently in the process of translating so keep checking back. Xerneas is Fairy-type, Yveltal is Dark/Flying. Xerneas has an ability called Fairy Aura while Yveltal has one called Dark Aura. Fairy Aura powers up Fairy-type moves while Dark Aura powers up Dark-type moves. Xerneas has a special move called Geo Control and Yveltal one called Death Wing
Pancham's evolution is called Koronda (コロンダ) and has the ability Iron Fist. It is Fighting/Dark-type. It has the move Hammer Arm and a new method of evolution
The Squids are called Maika (マーイーカ), the Rotation Pokémon, and its evolution Karamanero (カラマネロ) the Reverasl Pokémon and are Dark/Psychic-type Pokémon. Maika has a move called Turn Over which reverses stat changes. It's a Dark-type move
The puff ball is called Peroppafu ( ペロッパフ) and is also a Fairy-type. Its ability is a new one called Sweet Pale which prevents your allies from falling asleep. It's the Cotton Candy Pokémon and has the new move Drain Kiss. It is exclusive to Pokémon X
The pink bird is called Shushup (シュシュップ) and is Fairy-type. It is the Perfume Pokémon and has the ability of Healer. It knows the move AromaTherapy. It is exclusive to Pokémon Y
Honedge has the ability of No Guard
Clauncher is exclusive to Pokémon X while Skrelp is exclusive to Pokémon Y
There's a new Gym leader, with the robot arms, called Shitoron (シトロン) while the other Gym Leader is called Zakuro (ザクロ)
The professor is called Purataanu (プラターヌ). He will occasionally battle you.
The evil team is called Team Flair/Flare (フレア団)
CoroCoro is offering special Xerneas & Yveltal figures if you pre-order the games and send in a for

Edit @ 09:00: The New Pokémon page has been updated with these details Edit @ 11:53: The teaser for next month's CoroCoro issue, due for release on August 12th 2013, is said that the magazine will contain the biggest scoop of the century. We'll provide details on that next month


Pokémon Pokémon
Pokémon Pokémon
Pokémon Pokémon

What do you think?

The evolved form of Pancham looks cool