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Adinnieken said:
theprof00 said:

And when you bought a card with points, it also reflected tax. This doesn't make any sense. There's no difference whatsoever.

Also, points cards had added VAT tax, hence why the prices were higher. You'll still be paying the same thing.

That margin will still exist! Just because it has a dollar value doesn't mean there's no margin.


You know nothing, TheProf.  I'm getting really fucking tired of correcting your stupidty.

1 A Microsoft Point card costs me $0 in tax.  NONE!  Microsoft doesn't pay a cent in tax to my state.  I don't pay a cent in tax to my state.  NONE.

With real currency, that isn't the cast.  I may or may not pay tax on the card, but when I pay for the purchase of the item in  US Currency by LAW Microsoft has to charge sales tax.

2 While the cost was slightly higher per Microsoft Point, it was only marginally higher, not 20%.  Trust me, I've cracked the numbers throughly in the past.  I've looked at the actual costs, I know what I'm talking about.  If you bought Microsoft Points cards via, you paid nearly the same amount as in the US.  I think it was $1.08 vs $1.00 per Microsoft Point.  You saved money. 

The ONLY way Microsoft Points weren't a good value is if you bought them directly from Microsoft off of Xbox LIVE or  If you bought them from retail, it represented a value for consumers.  

Sony cards, which are real currency cards, have no margin.  There is no likely reason why Microsoft would maintain margin on a real currency card. 

You started off arguing that prices have increased because MS is now taking more costs, but all you've ended up arguing is how now the consumer is eating all the extra costs, while MS is making more profit from cutting out retailer margins.

You haven't proven that the VAT tax is now a cost, because VAT was ALWAYS a cost.
You haven't proven that CC charges now apply, because CC charges have ALWAYS applied.

All you've proven is:
a) you will now be paying the taxes
b) MS is cutting retailers out of their margin
c) You will not be able to save on cards online

d) You'll still buy the xb1.

PS: I'm not reporting you. Why? Because I don't want to add insult to injury. You were wrong about MS taking more costs (which you've now argued the point of to the point of insult, assuring me that YOU are now bearing the extra costs). I can't promise you won't be moderated though.