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Suke said:

UPDATED!!!! Smash Bros. Melee is back on the air!!!!

"The news is especially harsh since fans raised nearly $95,000 in donations to the Breast Cancer Research Foundation earlier this year to allow Smash to be included in the tournament. Nintendo’s streaming block follows its decision to enforce copyright on YouTube videos in May."

- IGN, quote by Andrew Goldfarb,

Appearently, Nintendo contact EVO staffs and inform them that there not allow to stream their product. Melee, a ten year old game, not alloud to be stream for EVO/Nintendo fan to enjoy worldwide.

*FACEPALM!!!* ....If this is how Nintendo going to be, why even bother buying the new Smash Bros. if Nintendo going to be this restricted with there content. Don't they know how big the EVO is, Nintendo......your not making it f**king easy to support your software. What happen to you Nintendo.
(No offense to Sakurai, still a fan of your content)

If there any updates on this news, please let me know!!

Facepalm  "why even bother buying the new Smash Bros"?   Because it is supposed to be played not streamed   you know there is companies out there charging Clubs etc because they  play music made by artists.  So its just normal that there is either the artist or special companies that charge people who show the games someone made /facepalm

If people wouldnt be so cheap they would pay a FEE to Nintendo to have the games  but they want income (thanks to viewers) without doing anything for it.