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pezus said:
Screamapillar said:

I find it hilarious how short people's memories are. lol.  I mean, come on.  This has all been proven wrong so many times by history, that I just don't feel like explaining it all again.

This isn't the first time a system has struggled early on with lack of new software.  It happens to almost every single platform after launch.  You don't just simply cut your price as soon as sales drop off.   If that were the case, game consoles would all cost less than $100 by now.

Once a system builds up a library of software that is appealing to a wide enough audience, sales will inevitably increase.

Price cuts do not help at all without software to back it up with.  Price cuts without compelling software increases sales for a few weeks, and then they fall right off again.  I can't be any clearer than that.

So you're saying no games are coming to WiiU...or what? Obviously I'm talking about a price cut when the games start flowing in, like Pikmin, Mario, DK etc.

No, I wasn't really talking about the OP directly, I was more talking in general about all the comments related to "Wii U needs a price cut right now" as if it's some sort of magic pill that will save the console. 

The Screamapillar is easily identified by its constant screaming—it even screams in its sleep. The Screamapillar is the favorite food of everything, is sexually attracted to fire, and needs constant reassurance or it will die.