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Wright said:
MoiseHnkel said:
Its like demanding who will do better McDonald or the best (5star) restaurant in the town.

Or Spiderman (movie) vs The godfather (movie)

You know wich one is the best but one of them is made to appeal to lower function of your brain Like Mcdonald.

I normally wouldn't bother commenting these kind of things, but with your analogy of MacDonald and the 5 Stars restaurant, I can't help but say that 5 stars restaurants tend to suck hard. I mean, you pay a fuckin' lot of money and they serve you dishes almost empty. McDonald tends to be cheaper and man, aren't you satisfied when you finish eating.

Watch out with those analogies!

What kind of restaurants do you go to lol Maccas always leaves a fatty taste in my mouth and seldom satisfys.