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As you can probably guess by my avatar and sig, I'm VERY excited for FFXV. I personally was really impressed by the visuals. It definitely looked next-gen, especially that scene where Noctis is on the water looking to Leviathan (I assume). Besides, Nomura has already stated that the final release will indeed have better graphics.


Galvanizer said:

I don't think the graphicss will be much better. Why do I say this? Because when FFXIII was first announced at E3 2006, the graphics looked better than the graphics in the final game released in 2010. I doubt the opposite will happen with FFXV.

Also, MGSV is cross-gen. I would be more leniant to the graphics of FFXV if it was also a cross-gen title.


It's completely different. When FFXIII was announced, they showed mostly pre-rendered cutscenes. They even went as far as to put a HUD on top of a particular scene to make it look like gameplay, when it really wasn't.

What they showed us on this E3 for FFXV, was clearly real-time gameplay, for the most part